Security Cameras 2020

Because of a high degree of interest in new security technology, MLCA has decided to update a survey taken in 2013 on Camera Security Systems. MLCA would appreciate your input and will distribute all gathered information back to you.

Do you have a community camera security system? If you answered yes please continue.

  1. How long has it been installed?
  2. Has it been upgraded since installation?
  3. Is the system self-contained? In other words, is the DVR and all other equipment (including a monitor) at one location in a box or do you need to bring a monitor to the DVR to watch recordings?
  4. What was the approximate cost of the system including installation?
  5. How is the system monitored and how often?
  6. What is the cost, if any, of monitoring? Please specify whether you are billed monthly or per year.
  7. Is there a specified commitment time for the system, such as 1 or 2 years as part of the installation.
    If yes, please state the commitment length.
  8. Can your system be monitored through the internet?
  9. Are cameras able to capture license plate numbers?
  10. Does your system have the capability to capture an image of the driver?
  11. Has the system helped solve any issues such as theft or vandalism?
  12. Do you think the system was a factor in homes selling in your community?
  13. Do you think the system was a factor in an increase in home values?
  14. Have there been any issues or questions on individual privacy?
  15. Have you had any vandalism to the camera system itself?

For further information, contact: